Reimagining content: How to leverage AI video editing in 2024

February 1, 2024

5 min read

Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen nearly everywhere in today's digital age. The booming popularity of AI for productivity is seen in our daily lives — from smartphones with virtual assistants to automated retail experience, and work efficiency tools for video editing, and more.

There are many ways people use AI to automate repetitive tasks across every industry. According to McKinsey & Company, there is an opportunity for AI applications to contribute $2.6 trillion to 4.4 trillion annually to the global economy, coming from all types of businesses.

As it stands, AI has an immensely favorable position to build and automate many tasks for the better. Businesses, innovators, and creators can use this chance to develop consistently engaging content. Read on to discover how you can leverage AI video editing to create your content.

The evolution of AI in visual editing

Today, content and entertainment are mostly consumed online. Most businesses have turned to the creation of digital content to connect with audiences, build their following, and ultimately monetize through influential posts.

Whether you're a content creator, marketer, or business owner, the chances are you've encountered repetitive tasks that may take some time to complete before actually focusing on content tasks that need more of your attention.

AI has revolutionized video editing by automating the most time-consuming tasks to help streamline workflows. For example, video editing with AI now enables editors to identify video footage they need instead of reviewing hours' worth of clips.

Productivity boosting AI video editing features

AI video editing tools can improve post-production quality through advanced techniques with features that simplify the editing process and ultimately saves time. Some notable video editing features that we see are as follows.

  • Automated editing
  • Color correction
  • Stabilization
  • Audio editing
  • Object and background editing
  • Speech-to-text transcription

The benefits of AI in video and photo editing

AI offers significant benefits for both video and photo editing. With video editing, AI can automate the tedious tasks that require creators to sift through countless video and audio files. From a photo editing perspective, AI enables editors more image enhancing features with different focused techniques. Editing now becomes faster, allowing creators the room to focus on creativity.

Here's a closer look at some of the benefits of video editing and photo editing with AI.

Time-saving efficiency

With the number of tasks like trimming, color correction, and syncing that AI video editors and photo editors can do, creators can cut production time down significantly. Apart from speeding up processes, it can help editing teams and individuals create more content in a shorter time.

Accessibility for beginners

Lengthier tasks are simplified with AI video editing and photo editing. What might take hours can be whittled down into a matter of minutes in just a few clicks. This can make creating video and photo content more accessible to beginners or those who need to get content tasks done without the learning curve.

Integrated cloud storage

Most AI video and photo editing tools operate on cloud-based storage. You'll no longer need to rely on multiple expensive hard drives to save your files since you'll be able to access footage and images directly from the cloud.

Room for creativity

Sometimes traditional video and photo editing tools have limitations when it comes to creating content. With AI editing tools, you have the option to request edits that adapt to your new creative ideas or use machine learning algorithms to read and process content before suggesting new ways to present more engaging content.

Consistent quality output

When editing traditionally, there's always a chance of error occurring. AI photo and video editing tools can maintain the same level of quality across edits, whether it's in small batches or bulk while having a smaller chance of errors.

Leveraging AI in video editing

It's important to recognize that AI can be used as a tool to simplify processes and allow for more creative flexibility when it comes to video creation. Finding that balance between AI automation and artistic control is necessary for creating content that truly resonates with audiences.

When using an AI video editor when creating content, you can save a significant amount of time in your workflow and improve the quality of your final video. There are several ways to integrate the use of AI in the video editing process.

Content organization

An AI video editor can analyze and organize raw footage. Use it to tag and categorize video footage based on content, like identifying scenes with specific actors, locations, or actions. This makes it easier to find the right clip during the editing process and ultimately eliminates the need to sift through all your files.

Color correction and grading

AI tools can assist in color correction and grading of video content. Using their automatic color-adjustment capabilities based on predefined styles or reference images can fast-track the fine-tuning process in post-production. Utilizing this feature can help maintain a consistent look throughout the transition of various video footage.

Sound design and editing

Aside from color editing, you can fine-tune audio with AI. An AI video editor can help in sound editing by automatically syncing audio and video, reducing background noise. What makes this process even more seamless is employing tools like mp4 converter. This tool aids in efficiently converting video files to a more manageable format, which streamlines the editing procedure, especially when working with multiple video types. Most AI video editors have an extensive library of music and sound effects. Some can also generate sound effects or music that fits the mood of the scene. AI also comes with tools like video to text, which take the audio from the video and transcribe it into text. This functionality not only facilitates better reference for the editors but also accelerates the pre-editing process.

Visual effects and CGI

Advanced editing can utilize AI video editors to create or enhance visual effects. For instance, if you have specific creative ideas that are difficult to achieve with traditional editing, you can prompt AI tools to make it happen. It can also track objects, generate realistic CGI elements, and or create deepfake-style effects if you need them.

Subtitles and translations

AI-driven speech-to-text services can generate subtitles and closed captions. This enables accessibility for a wider audience to get more video engagements. o simplify the subtitling process, tools that generate subtitles come in handy. They extract speech from the video and auto-generate accurately timed subtitles. This makes the information in the video accessible to non-speakers and those hard of hearing, thus expanding the audience reach further. Advanced systems can even provide accurate translations, making videos accessible to a wider audience.

Template and workflow automation

AI can also assist in automating repetitive tasks and workflows, like exporting videos in multiple formats or creating consistent title sequences.

Integrating AI into your video editing workflow

There are different ways to integrate AI into your video editing workflow. AI can be a powerful ally in crafting video content, offering significant time savings, efficiency improvements, and creative possibilities. However, using human judgment and creativity, especially in areas where nuanced understanding and subjective decision-making are crucial.

Here are some ways you can effectively integrate AI into your workflow.

Select the right AI video editing software

Choose video editing software that integrates the kind of AI features you need to create videos. Many modern video editing platforms are beginning to incorporate AI-driven tools that prove to be useful.

Understand AI capabilities

While AI can do many things, there are some limitations and ethical considerations worth looking into. Familiarize yourself with the capabilities and limitations of AI in video editing to effectively leverage its strengths.

Prepare clean data

AI tools often require clean data to work effectively. Clean data means properly named or sorted files. Ensuring your raw video footage and audio are well-organized and of good quality will go a long way.

Experiment and iterate

AI in video editing is still evolving. There are many ways you'll be able to edit videos. This makes it important to experiment with different tools and techniques to find what works best for your specific needs.

Choosing the right tools for AI content creation

Whether you're creating and editing photo or video content, choosing the right AI tool will make all the difference in the quality of your output. The best tools should align with your content goals and actually enhance your creativity and productivity.

Here's a quick guide to help you discern whether an AI video editor is right for you.

1. Define your goals

Visual content creation can be broad. Whether you're looking to generate long-form articles, edit images and video, audio, or a combination of all these, you might need different tools for each. AI editing tools will have its specialties and create output for different purposes. This can easily influence the tool you can use.

2. Assess AI tool capabilities

Three things to check for are functionality, ease of use, and quality of output. For example, the video content you want to produce needs more CGI-type editing rather than quick cuts or transitions, you'll need an AI tool that offers this feature and does it well without the added learning curve.

3. Platform compatibility and integration

Ensuring the AI tool you choose is compatible with the device you use is important as it can speed up your process or slow it down. Checking to see if the AI tool works well with the software you have and the platforms you'll be posting on can make a difference as well. Plus, the ability to integrate seamlessly with content management systems is a significant advantage.

4. Trial and Experimentation

Most AI tools today have free trials or demo versions. Before diving into a full-paid package, try it out to see if the features it offers can deliver and meet your expectations. It's best to also experiment with other tools to open your options.

5. Scalability and future-proofing

Choose tools that can scale alongside your projects. Ensuring it can accommodate the possibility of growth will save you the time of looking for another tool further down the line. Even better if you're able to find an AI video editor that offers regular updates and good customer support.

6. Ethical and Legal Considerations

Data privacy and security are important if you're handling sensitive information. Check for ethical implications if you're using tools that also create deepfakes or manipulate media.

3 Best AI video editors for content creation

Video content is one of the most dominant mediums in various industries like marketing, education, and entertainment. Having the right tool can significantly impact the quality of your content, the efficiency of production, and the overall audience experience.

Here are some impressive video editors that use AI technology today.

Movavi Video Editor

Movavi Video Editor is notably one of the AI video editors that offers a good balance between user-friendly traditional video editing and advanced features that employ AI technology. It's ideal especially if you're looking to keep the craft of video editing while streamlining the creative process.

Key features

  • Instantly remove backgrounds
  • Automate motion tracking, noise reduction and removal
  • Integrate AI art styles in videos


  • AI-powered tools designed to speed up workflows
  • Basic and advanced video editing tools
  • Quick rendering time


  • The free version has limited functionalities


  • Free 30-day trial
  • $54.95/year
  • $79.95 for a one-time purchase is an AI video editor that stands out for its capability to create video content quickly. You can fully utilize AI to edit videos. This includes using prompts to make edits to videos, turn blog posts and scripts into videos, and even summarize long videos.

Key features

  • Instantly pull footage from videos with transcriptions
  • Create text-to-video fast
  • Generate video summaries


  • Customizable video templates
  • Caption automation
  • Library for royalty-free videos, images, and music


  • Limited control on video editing prompts
  • Learning curve for beginners new to video editing


  • Free trial for 3 video projects
  • $19/month for a Starter package
  • $39/month for a Professional package
  • $99/month for Teams


Synthesia enables video creation with synthetic media and AI avatars. This enables you to produce videos with limited resources or tight deadlines, making it an ideal tool for creating training videos, social media content, and more.

Key features

  • Create video content with custom AI avatars
  • Edit videos and scripts easily with prompts
  • Automate scripting


  • Upload and use your own media
  • Customize audio with voice-over automation and voice cloning
  • Multilingual support for text and audio generation


  • Voiceover limitations with accents and pronunciation
  • Videos are dependent on scripts


  • $22/month at a Starter package
  • $67/month at a Creator package

Ultimately, the purpose of your content will dictate what kind of AI tool you need. Using the criteria of your own for determining whether an AI tool will work for you will help avoid the need to find other tools that suit your needs. Additionally, if you're looking for an AI-powered photo editor to complement your videos, makes photo editing more efficient and accessible as it offers a wide range of easy-to-use editing capabilities while enabling batch processing to edit multiple images simultaneously.

What is the future of content creation with AI?

The opportunity for AI advancements in content creation is seemingly endless. There have been so many AI video generators that have popped up in recent years. It's clear that the AI video editor landscape is just getting started.

With the speed of today's social media trends and content changing even more, businesses and content creators can utilize strategies that employ an AI video editor to optimize content in the year 2024 and beyond.

These are just some of the industry trends and predictions we might see in the near future.

Content optimization across platforms

It's not far-fetched to say somewhere down the line AI may be able to optimize content for various platforms that go beyond aspect ratios and compression rates. AI may have the advanced learning capabilities based on preferences to determine the next best course of action to further improve and optimize content for even better audience engagement.

Real-time video enhancement

Advancements in the new and updated AI video editor of 2024 might enable more robust real-time video enhancement features. This can include features such as live filters, background replacement, and quality enhancements during video calls or live streams.

Voice synthesis and editing

There may be a chance of seeing more refined AI video editor tools for audio, specifically voice editing, realistic voice synthesis for dubbing and voice overs, and potentially even altering dialogues post-production.

Deepfake technology regulations and detection

Deepfake technology refers to AI-based media manipulation using someone's likeness such as their face and voice for misinformation or fraud. While there's a chance of this advancing, this practice has raised ethical concerns and does need more robust regulations and ethical guidelines for it to work effectively.

We can hopefully expect more advanced algorithms in 2024 that can identify altered videos with greater accuracy, which is crucial for maintaining trust and authenticity in media.

Ethical and legal considerations

As AI becomes more entrenched in video editing, we'll likely see a greater emphasis on ethical considerations. Where it most counts is in data privacy, consent, and the use of AI-generated content that mimics a person's likeness. Much related to deepfake technology.

A window of opportunities for AI

The majority of content today is consumed online. With the amount of media available at just a touch through a mobile device, it can be hard to keep up in creating content that continues to stand out. AI technology offers both businesses and creators the opportunity to produce at speed through all of this.

Most AI video editing tools now have an extensive list of capabilities that are still growing. This makes choosing the right one overwhelming. What will make a true difference however is the addition of a human touch to engage audiences. Things like ethical considerations are also important when choosing to work with AI tools as they help safeguard the audiences as well who consume the content.

At the end of the day, AI is a powerful tool in the digital content landscape, but balancing automation with artistic control is necessary in creating content that resonates with audiences.

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